5 Easy Tips to Optimize Your Sleep

Adam Meyer
10 min readOct 21, 2021

According to the National Health Institute, the average North American adult averages just under seven hours of sleep per night.

This is two hours less than what the average adult slept back in the early 1900s.

Ideally, we want 7–9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. This is enough for most people to recharge and feel good the next day.

Sleep is a tool of immense power. Instead of just feeling good after a full night of sleep, you can optimize your sleep to feel amazing the next day.

How long you sleep shouldn’t be the only consideration. You’ll also want to improve sleep quality.

There’s many ways to enhance sleep quality and quantity. The top four are:

1. Implement healthy daily habits.
2. Practice good sleep hygiene.
3. Eat nutritious whole foods.
4. Exercise consistently.

Let’s look first at how to implement healthy daily habits.

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Adam Meyer

I ghostwrite Educational Email Courses for Nutrition & Fitness Influencers • Certified Nutritionist • 500+ articles published in the Health & Wellness space